Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Leo Onor

Apr. 20, 2022

To Whom it May Concern,

This proposed rule is only to the benefit of those who have made risky and, frankly, stupid financial decisions. It allows entities, who have abused the markets through short-selling, to kick their can of financial responsibilities. Purchasing securities at market value is how the market is supposed to function. When entities short a security, they assume the risk involved in taking such a position, including the possibility of substantial losses or gains; and when a bad decision is exposed as the miscalculation that it is, *you do not award* the entity with another avenue to keep its money.

As an investor, I *do not* need this shoddy attempt at providing liquidity. I *do not* need your help in policing simple and straightforward transactions.

I am sincerely asking, why are you allowing these entities to get away scot-free from the mistakes that they’ve made – mistakes that have put our economic institutions in jeopardy?

Leo Onor
HDPE-II Process Engineer