Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Molly Mayville

Apr. 20, 2022


Hi guys, 

YOU have allowed wall street, big banks, and hedge funds to write the confusing and lopsided set of rules that govern our markets today. YOU know they are written specifically so that regular Americans can't fully understand how monumentally they are being screwed over. YOU know there are significant FTDs and naked shorts which still need to be cleared. YOU know the avoidance of market price discovery through onward lending is the entire purpose of this proposed rule. YOU know it's all upside for these outrageously wealthy criminals, and all downside for everyone else. 

You know the truth. We know the truth. America is hanging on by a very thin thread, and there are more eyes on you than ever before. Are you going to do your jobs, or what? 


A pissed off citizen 

That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be - P.C. Hodgell