Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2022-803
From: Justen Glover

Apr. 20, 2022


To Whom it May Concern, 

Once again retail investors have found you out before you’re able to get rules changed and passed to ONCE AGAIN protect big money financial interests over retail investors. 

Your conduct is shameful SEC. I, and millions of other investors, oppose the passage of SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2022-893 as it will cause irreparable harm to current retail investors participating in the stock market AND will irreparably stain the reputation of both the SEC and the stock market and will lead to the average American abandoning participation. 

I do encourage you people to begin your actual job, which as a reminder is to create rules and regulations to rein in the institutions that have put you in this unenviable position of either helping out investors and doing your job, or continuing to kowtow to big money because they’re scared of what they’ve done to themselves. Remember though, retail will be winning this battle and it might be good to be on the right side of history for the books. 

I oppose passage of SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2022-803. DO NOT PASS. 

Justen Glover -- 

Justen Glover