Subject: SR–NSCC– 2022–801
From: Anonymous

Apr. 20, 2022

Good day, 

Seems like securities are not supposed to be fungible, yet this rule would make them exactly that.

Thought exercise: $100 worth of Blockbuster shares vs $100 of Apple shares. Can it be said that they are equal in value on any given day? I don't think so, one must consider company leadership, market cap, growth potential, etc. etc. That would be like saying every company is exactly the same (i.e. fungible) which certainly isn't the case in reality.

This seems to fly exactly in the opposite direction of how our Free and Fair Market is supposed to work, and correspondingly, gives the bad actors yet another sanctioned venue for cheating the system. A venue that Retail has ZERO access to. It's like the opposite of capitalism... where potentiality and innovation get thrown out the window, and everything is the same.

Thank you for providing the opportunity for us little guys to comment.

An everyday retail investor.