Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Jack Rawlings

Apr. 20, 2022

Hello SEC, 

This email is a comment on the proposed rule change to SR-NSCC-2022-801. 

My comments on this that this rule proposes a lack of accountability in any given market. Written in the rule is "facilitates the ability of market participants to make delivery on short-sales". This statement is completely invalid as there is already a great deal of availability of securities that are tradeable, a market participant simply has to buy that security in order to fulfil the short sale obligation. 

This rule looks like a failure to deliver can kicking sort of deal where a trade is never fully fulfilled, another deal is made in order to keep the original trade away from the present so it may or may not be dealt with in the future. Such measures are not able to keep an accountable, free flowing market truly free when trades are being beat around the bush. 1 trade should be 1 trade, not 2, not 3, not 10. 1 trade. 

I hope my comments make sense to you. 
