Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Kai Standen

Apr. 27, 2022


To whom this email reaches, 

I am a foreign investor who is currently invested in the US stock market, just like millions of other retail buyers. It has become uncomfortably clear that the markets are severely manipulated by bad actors. 

I strongly understand that the SEC likely has a massive burden on its hands, with having to deal with institutions much larger than the allocated funding towards the SEC is able to deal with. 

I would like to note though, a shepherd must care for its flock and not for the wolves. 

Rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 is most certainly not in the interest of the retail investor. Rather, it harms retail and sets a bad precedent to the outside world in regards to how the USA handles its markets. 

I’m sure there have been many emails coming in to you from the average retail investor, in regards to this rule. I hope they have been polite and clear in the message they wish to convey. 

The retail investor is looking to work towards creating a fair market and more virtuous world. May this email speak to your better nature, for I believe the correct path is a clear choice here. 

To summarise. I, a foreign retail investor do not approve of this rule. 

Kind regards, 
Mr Hughes