Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 DO NOT PASS
From: Michael Adams

Apr. 22, 2022


In exactly what world do you think we live? 

This bill would cause millions of people will be further defrauded by scumbags and you'll have helped them do it. Every day this crap is allowed to continue; the faith in the financial system is diminished. You need to cut this shit out- it's well past time for the truth. 

The first thing that needs to be disclosed is WHO is proposing these rule changes. 
If you're not willing to start there; the SEC has no purpose. 

Transparency would have prevented this entire mess, and continuing to cover it up will only make you complicit in the blatant financial crimes that are ongoing. 

The SEC is either an impartial referee allowing a level playing field for both corporations and individuals- or it is a criminal enterprise. There is no gray area. No Cell No Sell. That goes for everyone at the SEC because come November things are going to change. 

If you want to live in this world with the rest of us, kindly STOP FUCKING US. 

We need a rule that is the exact opposite of this one- SETTLEMENT should be the SAME DAY. You allow algos to trade shares within microseconds, and yet the SEC thinks 2 days- or 35+ or 100+ days is just dandy when it comes to SHF? 

Look at how many FTDs are floating around today, it's pathetic. 
