Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Tim Tackett

Apr. 22, 2022


This rule does not in any way demonstrate fair markets or hold the parties involved accountable for the negligence that has taken place in todays stock market its time to take a step back and understand that the unfairness in the markets has been exposed and the longer it is continued ultimately will ruin the markets for future investors United states should hold ourselves to a higher standard if we ever want relevance back time to rebuild starting now scrap sr-nscc-2022-03 predatory short selling is not accepted by anyone other than the parties profiting from it i invested to make a better future for MY family not short sellers and the donations from hedge funds do nothing for retail investors if we were doing the correct things with the money being made we would have no national debt and the country would be back as the world power it once was it is getting embarrassing and must have more transparency! 

Thank you for your time 
Retail investors