Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Tim Alibozek

Apr. 22, 2022


I strongly disagree with proposed rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 and SR-NSCC-2022-801

Passing these rules/changes will further tarnish the US stock exchange system by making it less transparent and more advantageous for illegal short selling and share borrowing entities. This will enable already over-leveraged positions to continue to do so, and be relieved of their existing positions. This rule does NOT help retail investors and gives even MORE control to non-retail.

I Disapprove.

I think that the SEC should be focusing more on uncovering and prosecuting illegal short sale and stock borrowing activities, banning dark pools, and removing PFOF. If we do not make changes soon to the equities market we are going to lose it forever, as retail is understanding what is transpiring now and losing faith in the market.