Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Nick Talanti

Apr. 22, 2022


This proposed rule is absolutely detrimental to the economy. There needs to be balance. When someone wins a game of poker, you don't change the rules for all the other players to keep their bets. If this rule is passed, it is more clear than ever that there is collusion in the street, and millions of investors will no longer partake in the blatant robbery of retail. The "market makers" and banks are abusing the system. Since 2008 banks and firms have continually added to their over leveraged position. This is not how an economy functions. When there is 100% utilization for weeks on end, absolutely no shares should be available. Not for purchase or shorting. This "get out of jail free card" of a rule is absolutely disgusting and retail will not stand for this abuse. 

Nicholas Talanti-Ansley 
Economist, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur