Subject: NSCC-2022-003/NSCC-2022-801
From: John Coulter

Apr. 21, 2022


As a individual investor who in January of 2021 saw the attempt of hedge funds to destroy AMC stock bought, for me, a large number of AMC stock. Over the last 15 plus months I have watched as these HF’s manipulated the stock price to try to drive AMC into bankruptcy and steal the investment money of all us individual investors. I’ve watched the entire Financial Cabal from the media, to the brokers, to the market makers and finally the SEC fight the average Joe to maintain their stranglehold on the market. The market has for a hundred years been a way for the rich and powerful to steal from average people. These proposals further prove the unholy alliance between the rich and the government agency SEC, who is supposed to be watching out for us. These hedge funds should be forced to pay for their misdeeds and greed by facing what should have been the inevitable MOAS’s. If not for the SEC turning a blind eye to all the illegal naked shorting and dark pool manipulation, this squeeze would have happened a year ago. Shame on you for so obviously being in bed with these snakes and not doing your fiduciary duties to protect American citizens. This is all going to end with the MOALS’s(mother of all law suits), the death of the market and dirt balls both private and public(SEC) going to prison. Now step up, grow a set and allow the market to punish these thieves as they rightfully deserve. John Coulter