Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Grant Sautner

Apr. 21, 2022

I apologize. I commented yesterday hastily based on information pushed (it appears) erroneously onReddit. I don't blame Reddit the platform, but rather, accept fault in accepting rumor as fact. I look to others to interpret the legalese and ramifications found in rules such as SR-NSCC-2022-003, and jumped to a conclusion. 

Please rescind my complaint on this issue. I look to Dave Lauer of Urvin Finance for his take on SEC rules including this one, and his interpretation is that it does not do what I had been led to believe it does. 

Again, my apologies, and apologies on behalf of my fellow Redditors who were alarmist in jumping to conclusions and filling up your inbox. Our intentions are to protect retail. 

Grant Sautner