Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Stubbs

Apr. 21, 2022


This rule is essentially attempting to kill any semblance of a fair market. You know as well as I do that this won't result in the market becoming any more ethical, and is just going to give naked short sellers even more freedom to abuse their power. This rule will not stop naked short selling and will provide them with more tools to sink the market value of publicly traded companies. 

If I go into a casino, or use an online app, and make a bad bet - I pay what I owe, but for some strange reason when these hedge funds make bad bets they just get to eternally kick the can, never paying what they owe. Why is this? Why would it be made even easier for them to do so? 

It just doesn't make sense. That's the problem with this "fair" market. Always adding layers of complexity that benefit the old boys club, but are detrimental to the earning potential of the retail investor, the public, the average shmuck who believes in a fair market. 

As an international investor I've completely lost faith in the American stock market. 

I urge you to withdraw this proposal immediately. 

