Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Sean Murphy

Apr. 21, 2022

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As a retail investor into the so called greatest stock market I am disgusted. These proposed rule changes to an existing bill have me angry. These rules protect institutions and lenders and borrowers but nothing for the small retail investors trying to make a better life. It seems like you are trying to protect the wealthy and the corrupt. We want a fair and transparent market for RETAIL investors. You are bailing out the same people who caused the crash of 2008. The rules and regulations that have already been implemented should be enforced first and then if there are further issues address them. The rules and regulations voted on and passed over the years are not enforced by anyone and us the little guys are punished while the 1% line their own pockets. As a blue collar working class man it's disgusting how do we get ahead when the scales are tipped in the favor of white collar criminal.

I object to these amended/added rules!
Do your jobs and enforce what's currently in.
Thank you

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