Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jeff Hale

Apr. 21, 2022

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Hello, I am a retail investory and I vehemently oppose this proposed rule.

I ask that you block/reject/withdraw the SR-NSCC-2022-003 rule.

Creating more rules to benefit the already established billionaires is
not what the SEC should strive for.  The SEC needs to focus on rules
that help everyone, not just the rich.

In recent years the SEC has been under scrutiny by the retail market,
and that market is losing trust in the SEC and other entities that work
to provide more wealth for the wealthy.  THIS MUST STOP.

If not, retail will leave due to the fact that the markets are unfair.
Make it fair, or get out of the way so someone else can step in and do
what is needed for everyone.

Here is what rules need to be put in place.

1. Remove PFOF.
2. Remove darkpool trading.
3. Decrease settling time to T+0.
4. Require FTDs to deliver.
5. Outlaw naked short selling.
6. Make the fines for illegal activity fit the crime.  Fines in the 6
figures do not prevent the law breakers from continuing to break the
law.  Fines should be DOUBLE (or more) what profit was taken from
breaking the law.
7. Remove trading licenses or market makers status when laws are broken.
8. Jail criminals/law breakers/manipulators of the markets.

Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading.  What is going on
within our system is much, much worse.

Stop the criminality, punish the criminals, make it fair no matter who
is involved.

Jeff Hale