Subject: Comment SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: =?utf-8?B?WWFubiBEcsOpYW4=?= N/A

Apr. 21, 2022

Hi there, 

I am a foreign investor currently invested in the US stock market like millions of other retail buyers. I have been continually sickened by the daily manipulation and fraudulent actions taken by the few to make sure the ability to puppet the many is retained. 

**YOU** are the protector of a fair, free and just market *for all –* it is after all the tax payer who pays your wages. The likes of Ken Griffin et al might slip you cash and ultimatums under the table but they are not the folks who withhold the integrity of what it means to be American. Right now you are undermining everything your flag stands for and what the Constitution was written around. Your Founding Fathers would be sickened as you continue to allow the erosion of a once strong, proud nation who stood up to terrorists. Make no mistake, your master(s) is a terrorist. 

I implore you to act with courage and integrity and do not allow the continual practice of malicious naked short selling and repeated FTD shenanigans which plague **YOUR** market. 

The fate of your markets and the continued participation of the retail investor is dependent on the SEC and Gary Gensler doing what was pledged – to protect the retail investor. I have not seen a shred of evidence that suggests that this is legitimately a part of the SEC’s mandate. This was clearly evident in the expose by Jon Stewart and the deafening silence in response to retail investors who voice their concerns to you daily. 

This is the eleventh hour that will mark your credibility or annihilate it. Do right. It is your duty, absolutely not your discretion. 

Yann Drean