Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Sean Baroch

Apr. 21, 2022

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Vote NO!! To rule SR-NSCC-2022-003!! The hedge funds, Wall Street and YOU!! Have rigged the system and the retail trader is now the well informed trader and we will not stand idly by and let you get away with this crap! We will stand up to you and these hedge fund numb skulls until the end. You are making it now so they have even less consequences how dare you even consider a rule like this. They have had their time it’s now time for the little guy.. level the playing field it’s the right this time do. Don’t let them get away with this, they wanna take the risk well guess what this is what can happen, we’re taking just as much risk here also.

I tell you what how about just making shorting stocks illegal, that way everything is even Steven. No more FTD’s on over sold stocks, no more intense squeezes etc etc… you have rigged this game so far in the favor of the rich it’s like they can’t lose. Then they get bailed out if they do lose, it’s total BS and the we all know it. The public in general is becoming more and more stock market savvy as that continues to happen the more we all see just how corrupt it is. We want the playing field level that’s all.