Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Brek Twomey

Apr. 21, 2022

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Hello SEC, thanks for taking my comment…

I engage in trading everyday on the NY stock exchange. This daily usage has made it clear how large institutions manipulate legitimate price action through dark pools, HFT, PFOF, aggressive, highly leveraged naked short selling and inflammatory opinionated media. Fundamentals no longer apply and TA is on its way out. The only game left in town is to follow the manipulation, strategize accordingly and hope for the best. That’s gambling, not trading.

Large over leveraged accounts need to be held to the same rules and principals as the retail investor. That is fairness, that is balanced. Bad decisions have consequences. Short positions need to be disclosed, reported and contained within a legal framework conducive to actual market participants aka human beings. Dangerously over leveraged accounts should be margin called, and excessive, illegal naked short positions should be disclosed and forced to close.

Please protect retail investors and American companies from predatory short selling by creating a legitimately fair market that we can participate in with confidence. Thank you all.

- Brek Twomey
NY 13066