Subject: Regarding SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Nathan Mira

Apr. 20, 2022


As a retail investor, I do not support the adoption of SR-NSCC-2022-003. This rule was designed to create more layers of protection and provide an "emergency parachute" to people who blatantly break rules meant to help the retail investor and continue to work against the interests of your average American. 

For years now, Wall Street has been provided with get out of jail free cards that do nothing but screw over the public for the benefit of their own wallets. How long will we continue to create rules that don't help the public, but help the people bending them over a barrel? There are thousands of retail investors such as myself that are sick of the blatant corruption in the US government and, by extension, the US Stock Market. People with money make all the rules and they try their damndest to keep us out. If hedge funds and market makers had their way, there would still be a transaction fee for stocks and fractional shares would not be allowed to keep your average American out and keep them from making money. 

I have lost all faith in this system and the SEC to do the right thing. Prove me wrong. Do not pass this rule and give all of us who are happily waiting for the next American Revolution some hope that the system we have today is not a lost cause. Give us the market that we deserve, not the one that gives the wealthy even more wealth at the continued expense of those that you have forgotten: The American Public. 

Nathan M