Subject: SR-NSCC2022-003
From: Jessica Vann

Apr. 20, 2022


To Whom It May Concern. 

As a retail investor, I oppose the proposed rule SR-NSCC2022-003. It does not create transparency in the market and does not benefit the everyday retail investors. It does NOT promote a fair market and should NOT be adopted. 

A quickly growing number of retail investors in the tens of thousands are becoming more engaged and more educated--and thus more concerned and put off by the lack of transparency in our markets and willful ignorance of those whose jobs are to ensure a free, fair and legal market. 

For the equities markets to be fair, market makers must be held accountable for their financial obligations. Despite such a very basic truth, this proposed rule INSTEAD allows FTDs to continue getting passed along instead of settled. What benefit does this serve the tax payers and businesses that keep our economy alive? It only benefits those who seek to abuse and destroy for financial gain. 

This proposed rule will worsen the issues brought on by FTDs and benefit those organizations that find and abuse loopholes created by such regulations. This rule only serves to benefit bad actors, further complicate the market and make things even less transparent than they already are. It will further alienate retail investors and hurt our economy long term, especially as local and international investors, discouraged by such duplicity, remove their investments for more equitable opportunities outside the US. 

I request that this proposed rule be denied and that similar rules are not proposed in the future, as iterations of this have been rejected in the past and continue to be rejected by educated investors every time they surface. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please honor your duty to ensure a free and fair market. 

Thank you, 