Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Paul Shelton

Apr. 20, 2022


Hello you crooked paid for criminals. 
I am in opposition of this blatant attempt to rig the market in favor of the market makers. 
I demand a fair and open market without corruption from the very people who are in charge of protecting it. I will not stop exposing the corruption and fighting for a fair and transparent market. 
Paul S 

On Wed, Apr 20, 2022, 1:20 PM Paul Shelton <> wrote: 

I am amazed at the blatant criminal attempt to sabotage market fairness. 
I oppose this proposed rule change. 
I am so sick of you greedy leeches rigging the game! I am taking action. 
I demand market fairness and the prosecution of these market manipulators! 
There are millions of people just like me who will not stand any longer for this corrupt commission. 
Paul Shelton