Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jared Hickey

Apr. 20, 2022


Hi there, wanted to share some thoughts on this new proposed rule. SR-NSCC-2022-003 

As a retail investor I do NOT support the adoption of SR-NSCC-2022-003. 

Appears to be a rule intended to create another level of protection for people breaking the law in the markets. This rule would effectively allow for FTDs to continue and get worse, which can be abused by market makers and used in conjunction with illegal naked shorting and abusive dark pool trade routing to control and suppress the price on security trading. This is not acceptable and creates an opportunity to harm retail investors and it violates our rights for a free and fair market. The manipulation needs to come to an end. Thousands of retail investors like myself are losing faith in their institutions - rule proposals like these do nothing to address retail investors concerns - they only exacerbate them. 

The SEC should be implementing rules to make the markets more transparent - not opaque. Thank you in advance for your timely attention to this matter, and please live up to your obligations and help the investors from predatory behavior by financial institutions. 

Kind regards, 
Jared Hickey