Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Tom N/A

Apr. 20, 2022


The following my concern for file number SR-NSCC-2022-003. 

I am an average retail investor in California. I am very concerned with the proposition of this rule and its effects on retail investors like myself and for future trust and desire to invest in the US stock market for any retail investors. 

This is very concerning to me that it protects market makers, stock brokers, hege funds, prime brokers, and any wall street elite from being held accountable for the plain naked short selling going on in this "fair market". 

We need protection from these elitist that continue to abuse the average retail investor who works every day to survive with the hopes of making an investment that would help their future. 

We need transparency not more ways for those who break the law able to keep breaking the law. 

I hope this reaches someone who truly understands the effect on retail investors this rule would cause. 

This rule does not help the average investor, someone like myself that works every day to invest what little I have left trusting in this so called "fair market ". 

Thank you. 

Thomas Alexander