Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 and SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Chuck Czedik

Apr. 20, 2022


I implore those who have a say in these matters to cut these rulings down where they stand. It is unfair to the working class that has invested in stocks like AMC and GME. Retail investors like myself are ready to change our lives, their families lives and our communities for the better. 

America is dead and rotting because of the greed of a select few, and that group shrinks smaller everyday. You will not have a seat at that table. Do not be a useful pawn in a dark game, no matter how deep into it we are. 
You have the attention of at least 4 million citizens of the USA. Power to the people. Glory to God. 

The time for wealth distribution is now, and it is righteous. 

There are two paths we can go down. Light and dark. 
You know what to do. 

truth, always. 

-Charles Winfield