Subject: ST-NSCC-2022-003 proposed rule change
From: Jonathan Bush

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it may concern,

The new proposed rule change would destroy credibility in the markets not only from a retail perspective but also from a perspective of businesses seeking to become a public entity.
Hedge funds who take a risk, while shorting a security, are fully aware of said risk especially when the price does not go in their favor. Too long have these funds and “professional” investors continuously found ways to mitigate their losses in the name of liquidity or for the protection of a certain class of investors who are not retail investors. The way they continue to prevent these losses for a later date have caused bubbles and recessions which are only getting worst and worst. It’s time we end this manipulation of our economy and prevent these losing investments from further can kicking. It’s hurting us all.
Any member of the SEC to support new propositions to protect these financial losers, will be remembered by all retail. We are all watching and saving all the paper trails. Do not allow money to continue to dictate our winners and losers in our economy, let the consumers decide their fate. Retail has become an educated lot, and we will not stop until we eliminate the bad actors. We will not stop until the economy works for all of us, not just a few who have made bad bets and who think proposing something like 2022-003 a third time will be their saving grace for a little while longer. Enough is enough.

Jonathan Bush