Subject: Comment regarding SR-NSCC-2022-003 (Release No. 34-94694)
From: David Kraft

Apr. 20, 2022


To Gary GensIer and the entire SEC- 

I sent a comment earlier today on SR-NSCC-2022-003, and I just had a few follow-up thoughts I'd like to add. 

I retired a few years ago from a 25 year career in local law enforcement. The members of the SEC are the "cops on the beat" of Wall Street. I really have to say this, and I say it with a very heavy heart: Your organization has done a horrible job protecting retail investors. Further, I really do not see how ANYONE paying attention can come to any other conclusion, than: "The SEC are dirty cops, who must be on the take." I do not say that lightly. How can any reasonable person come to any other conclusion? 

My eyes have been opened to how crooked the syndicate of Wall Street, Politicians, Big Banks, and Bureaucrats all conspire (yes, I used THAT word) to lie, cheat, and steal in every way possible. It is blatant and non-stop 

The fact that new rules such as SR-NSCC-2022-003 keep constantly being put forward to continue the crime spree is just one more indicator of how totally corrupted the entire system is. It should not be the job of the Retail Investor to be a watch dog for the industry... that is what the SEC is supposed to do. 

Shame on everyone who has turned a blind eye to what goes on everyday. It really is sickening. Every single day I hope justice will come to Wall Street and Washington, D.C., and until that day comes - I bide my time buying another share or two of Gamestop. 

Can't Stop. 
Won't Stop. 

No Cell, No Sell. 

BUY HOLD DRS. The DTCC Needs Replacing. The entire system is broken. We need BLOCKCHAIN TRADES, T+0 settlement, no naked shorting, and prison time for violators. 



David Kraft.