Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 comment
From: Andy Helfrich

Apr. 20, 2022


As a retail investor, I am highly against Proposed Rule Change SR-NSCC-2022-003 for what I believe to be very obvious reasons. 

True price discovery needs to be protected. 

I also wish this information was clearer for the everyday investor. I believe this is intentional to keep retail investors uninformed or intimidated through highly complex processes and wording. If you feel otherwise I would enjoy reading a simple overview of this rule. 

The simple explanations I have read in my investing education groups leads me to believe this would substantially change the consequences for short solid securities on the wrong side of the bet. 

At this point passing this new rule would only further deteriorate the American public's faith in a "free and fair market". I urge you to withdraw this proposal immediately. 

Thank you 
Andy Helfrich