Subject: The following is a comment for File Number SR-NSCC-2022-003:
From: Arrowhead Tothemoon

Apr. 20, 2022


Evil prospers when good men do nothing and good men have been doing nothing for way to long! Please anyone in charge of reading all these comments on this rule change know what is going on, we rely on you people to be the good men and women to finally put an end to all this thievery and we as an activist investors will have your back. Now I don't know if that means anything to you, but please understand when a market maker CEO makes 100,000,000 (that's one hundred million dollars a month!) that kind of insane income only comes from crime, the crime of skimming off the top (I know there's a whole lot more I have no idea about and that's why we need more transparency not less). They take from all of US, you as well whomever is reading this and we are all poorer because of it. This rule brought back from the dead under a new name is just plane bad, effectively allowing these MM and AP to never have to deliver that which they borrowed and no allowing them to just replace it with some other assets of equal (made up) value is not the same as delivering the stocks/assets of which they borrowed. Look of course I'm trying to sound smarter than I am, but I'm just a regular guy that's worked a blue collar job for over 27 years and have done my level best to use our "fair, transparent and free" market to get ahead and never understood until recently how much better I could of had it if these crooks weren't steeling from me the whole time. More and more people are becoming aware, hell I talk about it everyday to anyone with a pension or a 401k and that is pretty much everyone these days. So please do the honorable thing here and not only reject this new rule but be honest to whom you are supposed to represent and reject all the unfair rules you guys see coming across your desk. It's the right thing to do. Have a great day.