Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Nathan Bradimore

Apr. 20, 2022



The new proposed ruling of SR-NSCC-2022-003 acknowledges that there is a significant amount of FTD's in the market that pose a idiosyncratic risk. The rule change allows for those who have FAILED TO DELIVER to continue doing so allowing for continuous bad bets without any risk to themselves as you will change rules to cater to those who are brokers AND market makers. 

The SEC is supposed to protect retail and it seems as though you are here to continue exposing retail to the harm that these large players impose with their investment decisions that bear UNLIMITED liabilities. Those who have put the economy at risk, and continue to do so, should not be protected by the SEC. The SEC should be protecting taxpayers- the very people who pay you to do your job. 

This is utterly ridiculous from the SEC. The people deserve better. Do better. 
