Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Kurt Haavlek

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

This proposed rule is a huge concern to retail investors, to say the least. I am not very experienced with the stock market, but have been closely following along with recent occurences in the market. 

I feel like this needs to be adressed, as this new rule affects the US stock market in a HUGE way. Not only does it affects the US stock market in itself, but also all of its retail investors from the US and the rest of the world. If something like this is passed through the SEC, it could very well lead to a significant increase of mistrust with the stock market and its regulators. 

Parties should take consequences for consequent FTDs, not be able to avoid them or extend the timeline indefinately. Similar rules to this one has also been proposed, which tells me that there are some people in the stock market that would benefit greatly from this being implemented (at the cost of retail investors). Mega corporations should not be able to decide how the market moves without retail investors also being able to affect it, which would be even more apparent if a rule like this would get implemented. There is serious concern around this by tens of thousands of people. Do the right thing.