Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Brandon Hutchinson

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it may concern,

      This rule is so detrimental to a fair market you should be embarrassed just by proposing it. How is this rule making a better market for anyone other than institutions to continue their blatant criminal activity? It completely destroys true price discovery. I see it as Exhibit A in a case that you are complicit in allowing illegal naked short sellers to create perpetual IOUs on the debts that they owe to stockholders. This proposal alone proves to me that The SEC is not trying to protect the investments of retail shareholders. I used to have a glimmer of faith that The SEC was actually on my side but was purposely underfunded. This has forever changed my mind. Just last week I painfully paid my taxes that help pay your salaries. Imagine if taxpayers could just keep creating IOUs on their tax debt. Wouldn’t that eventually be detrimental to your paycheck and every other government employee?  Be on the right side of history. Help retail have a fair shake at the market. None of the SEC’s actions so far has shown the little guys that you are there to help us. Do the right thing for once.