Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Valentin Elsaesser

Apr. 20, 2022


In addition to my previous comment, this doesn't not leave much confidence in the SEC as a regulatory body. 

Below are just a few select words/terms from the SR-NSCC-2022-003 filing and the amount of times they've been used: 'sponsoring member' (563x)
'sponsored member' (456x)
'default' (176x)
'risk' (115x)
'institutional' (59x)
'securities lending' (16x)
'liquidity risk' (13x)
'credit risk' (12x)
'systemic risk' (5x)
'squeeze' (1x)
'transparent/transparency' (No matches found)
'retail' (No matches found)
'fair' (No matches found)

Valentin Elsaesser