Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Anonymous

Apr. 20, 2022

Allowing a self regulating body with a history of rampant criminality to propose new clearing rules is evidence itself of the corruption of our equity markets by its largest players. If this rule passes as it stands you will find that a dangerous amount of retail investors will have been pushed past their breaking point. There will be consequences for all of you. Corruption always leads to the destruction of the system it takes root in and in financial markets the fallout is often catastrophic. Given the the massive and unprecedented leap in understanding of our markets that the investing public has undertaken in the last two years I believe that passing this proposed rule would be incredibly dangerous to the markets various regulating bodies, their employees, and the banks that you work for.  Any decision on this proposed rule that doesn’t involve disregarding it in every aspect, and investigating those who attempted to codify the blatant criminality that it suggests, will be a dereliction of your duties as regulators and a betrayal of your fellow Americans. Do the right thing, this is a warning.