Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Anonymous

Apr. 20, 2022


To the SEC. Why with how little transparency there already is in the markets would a rule like this even be warranted. This is now the third time this rule has been proposed(now under a new guise) to try and further their advantages over retail investors. I hope you do not let this pass for it would only further distrust in their practices, and your abilities to protect the retail investor. If this is now the third time we are having to comment and say that this proposal is a bad decision, why would you even be taking it in for consideration yet again. Stop continuing to give perk after perk to these reckless institutions who show time and time again all they do is make insanely risky(and many times illegal) plays. Then when it blows up they propose new rules to help them even further yet we are supposed to believe that they know better and are of a higher level while they fail with unlimited advantages. Please on behalf of retail investors do your job and do not allow this proposal to pass. 

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