Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Anonymous

Apr. 20, 2022


The proposed rule found at is anti-retail and it’s sole purpose is to protect the illegal activities large market makers and other funds have been committing on the backs of retail to further line their pockets. This rule does nothing but protect illegal activities and should be completely thrown out. The average retail investor like myself is completely fed up with the hyper protection of large institutions who can pay to have their way, while small retail investors are robbed and beaten up. There is minimal to no faith in our markets and if this rule is passed, it further proves to massive corruption and manipulation of our markets. 

Over a year now, massive fraud and manipulation (i.e. crime) has been committed daily and there is massive amounts of proof, but the SEC chooses to willfully ignore it. 

Do the right thing and throw this proposed rule where it belongs, in the garbage. 

A very upset investor 
James Graci 

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