Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Breton Inman

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

I am asking that this rule proposal, SR-NSCC-2022-003, be rejected . This only increases the lack of transparency of today's market and further convolutes the mechanisms in which institutions often abuse. The only balance of naked shorting today is the infinite risk it proposes. Implementing this rule would remove that risk and abuse of naked shorting would run rampant in our markets. Retail investors already have a massive disadvantage today - this would only further the divide between retail and institutional investors and drive even more retail investors away from the market. 

In the information age, people are learning more and more about how our stock market works and it's massively discouraging in its current state. If this rule is implemented there will be a mass exodus of young, motivated retail investors, exiting from the markets. Rules that aim to make the markets even less fair than they are today, are a threat to the stock market and a threat to the US economy. Do not implement his rule. 

A concerned retail investor who is sick of being robbed by banks and hedge funds