Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Mike Duckert

Apr. 20, 2022


To Whom It May Concern, 

Vote 'no' on this proposal. This rule is a slap in the face to anyone involved in the market. It's my understanding this rule has been proposed for a third time now. It is time to remove it completely. I will not stand around and let you pass rules that let the NSCC and other parties get away with their crimes. It has come abundantly clear to me the US Stock Market is a joke and it's all rigged. There is no such thing as price discovery anymore. I may not have a degree relating to the market or financial industry but I'm a retail investor and have used to the market to plan my retirement. A rule such as SR-NSCC-2022-003 endangers all Americans. There is blatant market manipulation across the board and I have zero faith in the market and the regulation of said market. Passing this rule would allow further manipulation and allow participants to do whatever they please with not even a fine. It's the cost of doing business. 

Again, please vote 'No' on this proposal and save the market. 

