Subject: RE: Release No. 34-94694; File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Derek Arnold

Apr. 20, 2022

Good morning,

I am a retail investor, and would like to make my thoughts to this proposed rule known. This rule flies in the face of fair market mechanics, and gives unlimited power and scope to bad actors who would abuse such mechanics. It is set in place to "alleviate Fail To Delivers", but in action does nothing to eliminate them, and in effect protects the action of naked short selling, which is ALREADY ILLEGAL. This rule leverages the complexity of financial vehicles to put power in the hands of institutions, effectively safe-guarding them from their own bad bets. Passing this new rule would only further deteriorate the American public's faith in a "free and fair market". I urge you to withdraw this proposal immediately.


Wall Street has had and continues to have decided advantages due to bad oversight and an unwillingness by the SEC to take decisive, punitive action against their predatory (and often times ILLEGAL) market practices. When the SEC hands out fines for a few million dollars for crimes that resulted in BILLIONS of dollars in profits, they are completely disincentivized to stop the criminal activity.

Consider this a cry for help from retail investors. Please do what the SEC was created to do.


Derek Arnold

This was sent from my iPhone. Please excuse the brevity of my message and any typos.