Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Garland Mueller

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

I am a retail investor. One who believes that the American market is the greatest mechanism for the common man to elevate himself and his family out of poverty. Because of the intrinsic value of such a system I feel that it must be safeguarded to counitnue to provide this essential function to future generations. As such, and in accordance with these beliefs I feel a strong sense of ethical duty to voice my concern regarding rule SR-NSCC-2022-003. The objective of law appears to be aimed at helping stop short selling. But by eliminating "fail to delivers" this goal is not accomplished. In fact it only gives bad actors the ability to offset their legal obligations with new obligations. Effectively pushing the due date of their actions, which ARE ILLEGAL TO BEGIN WITH, into the future. This action fails to stop short selling and instead removes the risks of performing illegal actions. With this in mind, and for the integrity of the free market I implore you to retract this proposal. Implementing it will only disenfranchise investors both foreign and domestic. 

Garland W. Mueller