Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Marcelino Gutierrez

Apr. 20, 2022


Dear fellow Americans at the SEC. 
As a concerned retail investor, i write to you today in opposition against the implementation of this rule. It appears the dominant stock market entities are trying to again create more derivatives to trade, in place of actual stock shares. More IOU's to hand out left and right as they see fit. As a blue collar American who struggles with bills, an old house, expensive healthcare, and everything else, i find the idea of more derivatives to be absolutely embarrassing and also infuriating. We need to hold people accountable, they are adults with fully functioning brains. If market participants engage in risky behavior, they need to suffer the consequences of making bad choices. If they start to lose money and we just invent more derivatives for them to pretend everything is ok, the root problem will never be solved. Risky market behavior deserves punishment, not a parachute. Thank you for considering my input. 

Marcelino Aaron Gutierrez 
Father/ US Manufacturing Worker/ Retail Investor 

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