Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jessica Kunkle

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 
I am writing today to comment on this proposed rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 Given my Layman’s understanding of the “free”market, market makers such as Kenneth Cordele Griffin’s Citadel Securitues publicly broadcast the myriad ways in which they buy themselves time to avoid FTD‘s, to kick the can down the road. Anything and everything they do, by their own admission, is to buy one more day. Repackaging and rewriting contracts, shuffling debt around, but perhaps the most brazen tool is the passage of rules such as this by your governing body, not once, not twice, but three times for this particular rule. You’ve asked for public comments, I hope you’re ready for them because each time a shady rule or resubmission is proposed. We will be here, in ever growing numbers, not only to comment; but to involve, and educate ourselves on every facet of this tangled web of of a market that underpins our security and freedom as individuals, and as a nation. We’re going to run for local, State, and Federal office. We’re going to shine a light in every dark corner, and we’re going to point and draw attention to every attempt to continue to exploit retail to the benefit of a privileged, powerful, few. 
Sincerely, and dreadfully seriously,
Jessica Kunkle