Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jaye Brotherton

Apr. 20, 2022

This proposed rule change is nothing short of flagrant corruption. This rule removes any risk or penalty crucial to a fair market system and allows those who already have outsized control and influence to avoid any penalties for their reckless and damaging practices.

How can you claim it is set to"alleviate Fail To Delivers"? Because this rule in action it will make them meaningless, which in effect protects those engaging in illegal naked short selling, that’s a fact. You won’t convince anyone that this is anything other than changing the rules mid game to make sure you can pick the winners and losers.

Listen up. Retail has gotten wise, and it’s only an matter of time until the word really gets out and at that point you won’t have the option to take your thumbs off the scale.

If this rule passes it will be my mission to make sure everyone I can reach knows the United States market is a fraud.

Good day

Edit: Added Subject Line Sent from my iPhone