Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Sergio Salgado

Apr. 20, 2022


Hello SEC, 

By now, I am sure you have received an influx of comments pertaining to the new SEC rule, SR-NSCC-2022-003 currently being proposed. I am one of millions of voices, giving my opinion that this rule starkly contrast the whole purpose of this government entity. To protect retail investors and the general welfare of our economy. I will say that again, to protect retail investors and the general welfare of OUR economy. Not your friends in Wall Street, not the politicians that you have bought and paid for, the economy of the American people. 

Think back to a time of innocence for you. Where you bought the American dream hook, line and sinker and that's what you strive to accomplish with your life. See what people often forget is that nightmares are dreams too. Let me talk to you about a nightmare. 

A nightmare is the ever growing realization that a college education is nothing more but a ponzi scheme set forth by those who claim "education is the way to prosperity" well my generation, yes the millenials are the most educated in most recent history BUT we are also the poorest. Imagine being so educated that you can't afford that degree you spent so much time on. The nightmare that our politicians truly don't work for the best interest of its people. The nightmare that is wall street itself! The nightmare of greed, apathy and sorrow that is a constant in the lives of many American people, caused by those in power. 

All nightmares have a hero. All dreams have a goal. How does this rule satisfy either? Please reconsider this rule and withdraw it from the proposal. Think back to a time of innocence, do you want to be a hero? Or the reason the revolution won't be televised? 


Sergio Salgado