Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Coley Pritchett

Apr. 20, 2022



I rarely email government bodies, but after reading what is included in this rule, I cannot sit on the sidelines. 

This rule absolutely should not be considered. It would increase avoidance of true market price discovery through onward lending. It also removes the infinite risk of naked shorting entirely, and in doing so, the only real deterrent for engaging in what is supposed to be an illegal business practice that is blatantly still occurring. 

The only people who will benefit from this are market makers. How does this rule contribute to a fair market in any way? I am totally open to hearing a different point of view, but as far as I can tell, this offers nothing to retail- the people you are supposed to be protecting. 

It's beyond frustrating to CONTINUALLY see rules like this being proposed that only favor reckless institutions. I have become much more educated about the markets in the past few years, and it is disturbing what I am learning. This short-sighted behavior will inevitably lead to long-term degradation of the US stock market (which is already well on its way in my opinion). With the adoption of crypto looming on the horizon, it's vital to keep the people's faith in the markets. 

I'm telling everyone I know about this, and you can be sure that for every person who emails about this, there are hundreds, if not thousands, who do not but feel the same way and are also spreading the word. 

Please do the right thing. Protect the American families who are already having money sucked out of them from every direction. 

A concerned investor