Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Sandor Nagyapati

Apr. 20, 2022


Dear SEC, 

Regarding your latest proposed rule SR-NSCC-2022-801: if market makers, clearing houses, or any participant in the clearing process is not sourcing the required share from the market, then the whole market can, and will, go to hell. 
The proposed change would make the whole market more vulnerabable, then ever before. 

Market works because its based on rules, and the faith it will work, no matter what. Giving back-doors and jail-free cards is not OK. 
There's no company too big to fail, there's no goverment safe, if they go against its people. 

As a self-regulating organization, your job is to ensure the market stands for standards. These standards would be broken, once the obligation could not be followed up, and enforced. 
Looking forward for fire sales, participant close out from trading, liquidation of asset groups, as well to criminal charges against frauds on Wall St companies, and alleged inpartial complices on all levels. 

If this rule change is accepted, the proposers kind will be sacked for good across the globe, revolts will start. 

With regards, 
Sandor Nagyapati 
Private US equity investor 
From Hamburg, Germany, on the 20th April 2022