Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Kevin Ramirez

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

This proposal goes against the idea of having a fair market in our already broken and unregulated system. This gives a nod to those who openly abuse our markets and allows for them to avoid the risk the threat that they took on. If retail takes on a bad bet whether it be options, futures, we take the loss. However, it seems that Market Makers seem to abuse our markets by selling shares that they don't own and rely on Failing to Deliver (FTD's) to never close their position. They are stealing and you are giving them the green light to continue to do so. 

I am ashamed to see this proposal go up for a third time and it does not give me the peace of mind of believing we have a market worth investing in if the big players get to do whatever they want, and you will aid in assisting them to defeat retail investors. 

I highly oppose this proposal and wish you would reconsider. Investors are watching, and we will see whose side you are really on.