Subject: Opposition to rule SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Skyler Teske

Apr. 20, 2022


The current market lacks transparency and accountability for large institutions. As a retail investor, I'm disappointed and extremely concerned that SR-NSCC-2022-003 is being proposed.This rule would increase avoidance of true market price discovery through onward lending. It also removes the infinite risk of naked shorting entirely and in so doing, the deterrent of engaging in what is supposed to be an unsafe and harmful business practice.This new proposal would become an outrageously unfair advantage for market makers, which excessively naked shorts securities, and all create infinite downside for those on the wrong side of their shorting. 
I would firmly ask that you deny the SR-NSCC-2022-003 proposal.As a retail investor, I implore you to take this threat to the very sanctity, fairness and transparency of our markets for what it is - a threat against every single retail investor. Please do your part and stop this. 

Thank you, 
Skyler Teske