Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jack Cheese

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

This rule is, to say the least, terrifyingly against retail investors and any semblance of a free and fair market. It's clear that this rule will continue to enable bad actors, market makers, and those in power the ability to continue to make extremely risky moves with absolutely no consequence if it doesn't go in their favor. There is a reason this rule keeps being proposed and removed. It's criminal. 

I am deeply disturbed that this proposed rule made it this far when it's very clear that it will green light SHFs the chance to fail to deliver, use dark pools, and a litany of other nefarious tactics to lie and cheat their way through the system in the name of profit at the expense of retail. And to be clear, they already do, that's obvious. But this rule will allow them to do it free of any and all consequences and we, the "free" market will feel the full wrath of their unending greed. 

I deeply implore you to pass along the message that this is a horrible proposal that only protects the elites for the grave they've already dug for themselves. If anyone at the SEC cares for retail they will help us be heard that this goes against us directly and in a significant way. 

Thank you, 
-A very concerned investor