Subject: Rule SR-NSCC2022-003
From: Peter Viets

Apr. 20, 2022


This proposed rule which enables a so-called 'Securities Financial Transaction' is abhorrent. Rules like this, if passed, will significantly contribute to a loss of faith and eventual collapse of our markets. This rule acts directly against market transparency and fairness. 

This rule is the exact opposite of working towards 'fair, orderly and efficient markets'. Instead, this allows for further obscurity and complexity, and most definitely does not make the market more 'fair'. 

Retail is waking up, and we are fed up. We are smarter than anyone gives us credit for. We have become motivated and will fight passionately for fairer and more transparent markets. Passing this rule would represent a monumental leap in the wrong direction. Retail is watching. Don't mess this up, please, for the sake of our future. 

Thank you, 

Peter Viets - Concerned investor