Subject: No way!! SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Sam Connolly

Apr. 20, 2022

Haven’t the hedge funds made enough money off of us little guys already? Now they want the game pushed even further into their favor. Retail trading has changed drastically over the last 2 years and we are a united front at this point in time. This rule will basically give Wall Street and hedge funds an even more unfair advantage over the retail trader than they already have. Why do they get to reap all the benefits of the stock market when us poor people are just trying to get a little further ahead in life, they are already filthy rich. We aren’t asking for much here, it’s like these hedge funds have zero consequences and the game is so far in their favor already it’s not even funny. For them to exist they need us point blank, the end. I find it all very disheartening, the whole game is in their favor. Don’t bring this rule into affect, it’s unfair and unjust to say the least. Vote no!